Cloud-based CRM vs. Excel Spreadsheets

March 31, 2022

Cloud-based CRM vs. Excel Spreadsheets: Which One is Best for Managing Your Customer Data?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is vital for businesses to keep track of potential leads and existing customers. In today's digital world, companies have a couple of options for managing their customer data: cloud-based CRM solutions and Excel spreadsheets. In this article, we compare the pros and cons of each method to help you decide which one is best for your business.

Cloud-based CRM

A cloud-based CRM is a digital tool that enables businesses to manage their customer data centrally. Instead of storing customer data in individual spreadsheets, a cloud-based CRM stores it all in one place that's easily accessible to team members.

Benefits of a Cloud-based CRM

  1. Collaboration: A cloud-based CRM permits easy collaboration and allows multiple team members to access customer data at the same time from different locations as long as there is internet.
  2. Automation: A cloud-based CRM can automate repetitive tasks such as sending emails and making follow-up calls, which saves time for your sales team.
  3. Scalability: A cloud-based CRM can be easily and quickly scaled to meet your organization's needs as your business grows.

Drawbacks of a Cloud-based CRM

  1. Cost: Depending on the vendor and features needed, the cost of a cloud-based CRM solution can be high, especially for small and medium-size businesses.
  2. Learning curve: A cloud-based CRM can be challenging to learn for employees with no previous experience working with one.

Excel Spreadsheets

Excel spreadsheets are free to use, and most businesses already have access to Microsoft Excel, making them a common choice for managing customer data. However, Excel spreadsheets have their limitations when it comes to managing customer data due to varying degrees of expertise and time spent setting them.

Benefits of Excel Spreadsheets

  1. Accessibility: Most employees have experience using Excel spreadsheets, and there's no need for a steep learning curve.
  2. Cost: Excel spreadsheets are free, and it's a tool that most businesses already own or have access to.
  3. Versatility: Excel spreadsheets can be used for multiple purposes beyond customer data.

Drawbacks of Excel Spreadsheets

  1. Not Ideal for Collaboration: Once a team grows in size, coordinating a single Excel sheet among multiple people becomes cumbersome and error-prone.
  2. Limited Features: Excel spreadsheets lack automation features, which can be a time-consuming problem for businesses with large amounts of customer data.


Cloud-based CRM and Excel spreadsheets both have benefits and drawbacks. Choosing the right option for managing customer data depends on many factors such as team size, cost, and the amount of data to be managed. As a general rule, small and medium-sized businesses might prefer Excel spreadsheets for their low cost, and familiar interfaces, while enterprises generally opt for cloud-based CRM solutions because they offer scalability, automation, and easier collaboration among larger teams.


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